Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I Filled Maddie’s Room with Pictures of Her Ex Boyfriend Crush! (Bad Idea) | Rebecca Zamolo

Twin cousin reveals truth about her secret crush! After Rebecca Zamolo was Eleven in a Stranger Things game in real life to save Connor they tried to reverse the switch up. Matt and Rebecca were spying on Connor’s first date with his crush but had an emotional goodbye after Zoe went missing. The Game Master network competed in a last to leave pool wins 10,000 challenge and Maddie’s brother won. Rebecca decides to trick Maddie by putting almost 10,000 photos of her ex boyfriend and her new crush to reveal the truth. Matt helps Rebecca in the set up and reveals his secret plan. He told Rebecca he ordered McDonald’s on uber eats but he secretly invited Robbie Rob over and hid him in the closet. Matt set up tricks to make sure his plan works. Disappearing ink, tricking spray and the final was crickets in her pants. Finally Maddie arrives and the big reveal is ready. She is shocked at the extreme amount of photos. Rebecca plays would you rather and who is more likely to reveal her true feelings. Robbie rob is spying in the closet when it goes wrong. He confronts Maddie and is upset there was no party. Do you think Maddie has a crush on Robbie Rob? Maybe if they go on a first date they will know the truth. Robbie Rob left his phone behind, should we look through his camera roll? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020!

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Watch on Youtube Published 2020-07-14 15:32:47

The post I Filled Maddie’s Room with Pictures of Her Ex Boyfriend Crush! (Bad Idea) | Rebecca Zamolo appeared first on The Gamemaster Network.

I Filled Maddie’s Room with Pictures of Her Ex Boyfriend Crush! (Bad Idea) | Rebecca Zamolo posted first on https://thegamemasternetwork.blogspot.com

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