Thursday, July 16, 2020

Going Through Maddie's Crush Camera Roll to find Truth for 24 Hours! Game Master Spy is a Liar!

Recently Rebecca Zamolo filled Maddie’s room with pictures of her crush. That was after matt and Rebecca tried spying on Connor’s first date with his crush. When Robbie Rob went back to his pizza delivery job he accidentally left his phone behind. Matt thinks it might be a good idea to look through his camera roll as we know nothing about him. If he keeps coming to our new house we need to see if he is a spy for the game master or working with the red hood. When Matt tells Rebecca she is upset and doesn’t want to do it. Maddie really wants to see if her crush likes her or not. Rebecca steals the phone and puts it in the sink. Rebecca remembers that they need to go to the lake of secrets as the game master and mr x are having a secret meeting they need to attend. Something about a red hood spy or something. Matt stays behind and needs to tell Robbie rob about his phone but he is tricking Rebecca and Maddie. Matt doesn’t trust Rebecca and needs to know the truth. He looks for his instagram and finsta but they are both not there. Next he tries snapchat and sees if he saved anything to his camera roll. The photos make it look like he is working with the red hood. Or that he is a GMI spy in our house. Next he finds that a number keeps coming up that he called a ton. Who is this mystery person. Rebecca and Maddie see the secret meeting and the game master and mr x are working together and they are both bad. Will we find out enough about Robbie Rob or can we not trust anyone? We need to trick Rebecca back into telling us the truth. Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020!

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The post Going Through Maddie's Crush Camera Roll to find Truth for 24 Hours! Game Master Spy is a Liar! appeared first on The Gamemaster Network.

Going Through Maddie's Crush Camera Roll to find Truth for 24 Hours! Game Master Spy is a Liar! posted first on

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